iboughtitdrunkonline.com Privacy Policy

While browsing iboughtitdrunkonline.com and using our services, you will be providing us with information throughout your journey and we want to ensure how we collect, store and use that information. 

Personal Information

Any personal information we collect will only be collected upon prompted request. If you are simply browsing iboughtitdrunkonline.com, your personal information will remain yours unless you actively submit it to our website through our forms. 

When we say ‘personal information’, we are referring to:

  • Your name

  • Your mailing address

  • Phone number

  • Email address

Additional information may be requested by iboughtitdrunkonline.com to enable us to provide a complete service. You will be clearly prompted for and will only be used as specified in this Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions.

Secondary Information

You may be prompted for additional information that we consider to be secondary. We use this information to continually improve our services on our platform. This information will be clearly labeled as “optional” and is not required unless it is needed to carry out a service. This information will include your demographic information. This information is then compiled into a database and once in the database, it can no longer be tied back to an individual user and your anonymity will be restored. This information can then be published at our discretion.

Sharing Information

Personal information submitted through our website will remain completely confidential, with the only exceptions being:

  • The information is required to carry out a service you have requested

  • If you submit your information on a private-level shopping site. We can then forward that information to the specified partner. However, we are not responsible in any regard as to how they use or store information. 

  • A merchant has requested your information to validate the identity of a reviewer. A review can be disputed if the reviewer was not involved in the related services or a transaction never took place between the merchant and user. 

  • Disclosing information is needed to protect iboughtitdrunkonline.comiboughtitdrunkonline.com users, partners, subsidiaries and other contracted parties of iboughtitdrunkonline.com.

  • To comply with law enforcement requests, court orders, warrants, subpoenas and any other legal action brought against iboughtitdrunkonline.com.

Statistical Data

Any other data (statistical data) we collect without your explicit consent cannot identify you as a specific user. This data includes:

  • The TCP and IP Address

  • Time and date of visit

  • Which pages were visited and the time spent on those pages

  • The speed of which you are able to download our web pages

This information is used for the purpose of maintaining and optimizing our services. It is also used to provide necessary traffic information to our advertisers and to ensure all parties are satisfied. 

Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to iboughtitdrunkonline.com.

Third-party vendors, including Google, show our ads on sites on the internet.

Users may opt-out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page.