14 Gadgets Going Viral Are On Pre-Black Friday Sale


1. Peeps Carbon Glasses Cleaner

Whether you wear glasses because you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or just love a pair of slick shades on a sunny day, we’re willing to bet you’ve experienced the unrivaled frustration of trying to keep them clean!

We’ve found the perfect solution!

This is a relatively new product that is quickly picking up steam among glasses wearers of all kinds. The Peeps eyeglass cleaner uses a unique carbon compound to safely remove dust and oil from the face and fingers from your glasses. And unlike disposable wipes, you get over 500 cleanings without adding to the landfill. It’s a win for you and the environment!

Peeps is the safest and most tested lens cleaning product in the world.

In fact, the technology is literally out of this world – being the only cleaners on the Space Station used for lens cleaning by NASA. It’s easy to use, compact and never expires!

The perfect size eyewear cleaner to take with you – it measures approximately 4x1x1 inches and is available in 7 different colors. Why not clean in style?

They are now shipping worldwide!  

ORDER Peeps Carbon Cleaner HERE

2. Vivian Lou Insoles

Have you ever said, "Gosh, my feet are KILLING me!"

Well, I think it's safe to say we all have especially if you're one to wear heels often. Now, you don't have to worry anymore with these incredible heel insoles designed by a rocket scientist.. seriously.

Some of the biggest issues with any heel insole is comfort, sizing, and how they look. Vivian Lou are designed to ever-so-slightly rotate the heel bone up and back, correctly distributing your body weight pressure to prevent pressure and pain.

Having something so simple and comfortable allows you to wear heels all day is definitely a wardrobe game-changer. You will no longer have to debate what you wanna wear that day based on a pain scale!

Vivian Lou Insoles have earned the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance. This is required a rigorous set of tests and these insoles passed with flying colors. With a 100% money back guarantee, they seem to stand behind their product and so do others! #vivianlou


3. Xtra PC - Protect Your PC Instantly

Remember the good old days, before computers...when you didn’t have to watch a spinning wheel or hourglass taunt you mercilessly as you try to complete the simplest task? Before losing your work on a crashed computer ignited a rage within you so powerful, that you seriously contemplated throwing that computer off of the roof? 

Neither do we, but we can imagine it was bliss! 

We’re just kidding, obviously we would rather be in a world full of tech, but we’d also like that tech to be fast and reliable! 

This product we found is just starting to gain traction, and it’s not technically a gadget, but it’s so cool that we had to add it to this list. If you have a slow, barely functioning computer, this is what you want! 

The Xtra PC works with any computer (Mac or Windows) made after 2004. It’s the fastest, easiest, and cheapest solution to getting a new computer...without actually getting a new computer. 

All you have to do is plug Xtra PC into the thumb drive of your computer, and it uses a Linux program to squeeze better performance out of your old processor. You set it up once and you’re good to go! 

We can see this product continuing to sell well for the foreseeable future!

4. Lady Care

This device is the perfect gift for women who are entering the golden age. Lady Care is a small, discreet, and lightweight device that securely clips to your underwear using powerful magnet technology. It uses Static Magnetic Therapy to help balance your Autonomic Nervous System which is what controls menopause symptoms. I know.. I know.. it sounds like a lot of made up claims that you wouldn't expect to work, we were skeptical too, however, they actually have clinical studies to back up their results.

In a recent clinical study, Lady Care was proven to safely relieve over 30 menopause symptoms including: hot flashes, fatigue, night sweats, and more!

It is the ONLY non-invasive menopause solution that over 1 million women are already using WITHOUT side effects.


5. The XY4: The Most Effective & Powerful Tracker Ever Invented (Never Lose Your Things Again!)

Do you often lost your keys, phone, purse, wallet and more? Do you frequently travel and are in constant fear of airlines losing your luggage? WORRY NO MORE! XY4 is the perfect tracking device to put you at ease when it comes to losing your belongings.

XY4 is a powerful tracking device that uses bluetooth and has a battery that lasts about a year on ONE charge! Wow!