5 Essential Tips to Falling Asleep Right Away


Most adults suffer from sleeping problems at some point. Causes can include stress and depression but most times, they are the result of something much simpler.

You can fight insomnia by putting into practice these tips to help you fall asleep quickly, sleep soundly, and be well rested.

1. Set a Sleep Schedule

Going to sleep or waking up at different times every day throws your body completely out of whack. Your brain is hardwired to a 24-hour schedule. When you go to sleep during the same hours each day, you set your circadian rhythms. When you change your sleep patterns, you confuse your body. Be as consistent as possible.

2. Limit Caffeine

Consuming caffeine can affect people differently and can lead to insomnia. If you regularly consume caffeine from coffee, soda, or tea, don’t do so before going to bed. Some people find caffeine keeps them awake for many hours afterwards, so keep your caffeine consumption in the morning until you know how it affects you. If you seem to have an issue with caffeine, you may want to remove it from your life completely.

3. Destress with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses the smell of essential oils to improve mood and relax the body and mind. Essio is an aromatherapy shower diffuser that combines the physical relaxation of a warm shower and the de-stressing properties of essential oils. You can set it up on your showerhead in seconds and there is no cleanup. Incorporate aromatherapy into your bedtime routine to calm your mind and fall asleep faster.

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4. Take a Screen Break

Some people get caught up with working on their computers long into the night. Other people watch TV or stare at their phones before trying to fall asleep. You will have a hard time sleeping if you’re looking at a bright light and your brain is processing new information. Instead, log out or shut off the TV early. By taking a few hours to let your brain relax before going to sleep, you will fall asleep easier and wake up feeling more refreshed.

5. Avoid Unnecessary Naps

Napping during the day may be necessary when there’s a serious sleep debt you need to catch up on. However, unnecessary napping can throw your sleep cycle off, making it harder to fall asleep again later that night. If you need to take a nap, do so at least 8 hours before you plan on going to sleep in the evening.